Chinooks FC is excited to support KidSport Calgary & Area in their 12th Annual Give the Gift of Sport campaign!
The Give the Gift of Sport was created to help raise money to break down financial barriers for children across Canada and the ability for less fortunate families to participate in sports.
In 2023 KidSport Calgary & Area has distributed $811,678, providing 2,403 children with the opportunity to participate in soccer! 342 families have been through The Calgary Flames Sports Bank with 1,876 pieces of no-cost soccer equipment that have gone out the doors to deserving families.
Now, it’s YOUR turn to be a game-changer!
Donate directly to KidSport Calgary & Area, donate equipment at any of our drop-off locations, or by hosting an equipment drive. Your support is appreciated, and every contribution makes a huge difference.
Let’s come together and rally around KidSport Calgary & Area and help them achieve the BIG goal of raising $1 million dollars to help more children play soccer and Give the Gift of Sport!
KidSport Calgary & Area Give the Gift of Sport Donation Direct Link:
The Calgary Flames Sports Bank Donation Link:
Equipment Drop off Location Link:
2023 KidSport & Flames Sports Bank Soccer Highlights:
- KidSport Calgary has distributed $811,678, providing 2,403 children with the opportunity to participate in soccer!
- As a charity servicing Calgary & Area, KidSport is the largest financial contributor across all minor soccer in our community.
- 342 families have been through The Calgary Flames Sports Bank.
- 1876 pieces of soccer equipment have gone out the Sports Bank doors to deserving families!
- 50 soccer clubs have been directly impacted by KidSport funding.
- Through KidSport, approximately 6 kids per day are being helped into Soccer programs in the community.
- $2,224 per day is going towards Soccer registration fees!
These are unbelievable numbers with still a full month remaining in 2023!